The 2004 Cannondale Scalpel Team Replica is a mountain bike with an aluminum and carbon DT Swiss 240 frame. The frame has a Siemens  Team  Replica finish.

It was released in 2004 and costs $4,999 brand new. Due to the frame materials, we estimate that this bike weighs around 25 pounds. The Scalpel Team Replica 2004 is fully rigid.


The Scalpel Team Replica 2004 comes with Shimano XTR components, including a Cannondale HeadShok SI stem, a threadless Cannondale HeadShok SI headset and dual-control Shimano XTR STI shifters.


The Scalpel Team Replica 2004 has 9 speeds and has a Shimano XTR derailleur.


It comes with tubeless Hutchinson Scorpion tires (26in x 1.75in) and Mavic Crossmax SL rims.

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Type Mountain
MSRP $5,000
Year 2004
Alt. Names SCALPELTEAMReplica, ScalpelTeamReplica, ScalpelTEAMReplica, SCALPELTeamReplica, ScalpelTEAM Replica, ScalpelTeam Replica, Scalpel TEAMReplica, SCALPEL TeamReplica, SCALPEL TEAMReplica, SCALPELTeam Replica, SCALPELTEAM Replica, Scalpel TeamReplica, Scalpel Team Replica, SCALPEL TEAM Replica, Scalpel TEAM Replica, SCALPEL Team Replica