The 2006 Cannondale Scalpel Team Replica is a mountain bike with a Scalpel Si / FOX Float RP3 frame. The frame has a Siemens  Team  Replica finish.

It was released in 2006 and costs $5,499 brand new. We estimate that this bike weighs around 30 pounds. The Scalpel Team Replica 2006 has frame suspension with 67mm travel.


The Scalpel Team Replica 2006 comes with Mountain Mix components, including a Cannondale XC3 HeadShok stem, a Cannondale HeadShok Si headset and SRAM X-0 Trigger shifters.


The Scalpel Team Replica 2006 has 9 speeds and has a SRAM X-0 derailleur.


It comes with Maxxis Larsen TT UST tires (26in x 2in) and Mavic CrossMax SL UST rims.

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Type Mountain
MSRP $5,500
Year 2006
Alt. Names SCALPELTEAMReplica, ScalpelTeamReplica, ScalpelTEAMReplica, SCALPELTeamReplica, ScalpelTEAM Replica, ScalpelTeam Replica, Scalpel TEAMReplica, SCALPEL TeamReplica, SCALPEL TEAMReplica, SCALPELTeam Replica, SCALPELTEAM Replica, Scalpel TeamReplica, Scalpel Team Replica, SCALPEL TEAM Replica, Scalpel TEAM Replica, SCALPEL Team Replica